Example program for zgesdd

This example finds the singular values and left and right singular vectors of the 4 by 6 matrix
A = 0.96+0.81i -0.98-1.98i 0.62+0.46i -0.37-0.38i 0.83-0.51i 1.08+0.28i -0.03-0.96i -1.20-0.19i 1.01-0.02i 0.19+0.54i 0.20-0.01i 0.20+0.12i -0.91-2.06i -0.66-0.42i 0.63+0.17i -0.98+0.36i -0.17+0.46i -0.07-1.23i -0.05-0.41i -0.81-0.56i -1.11-0.60i 0.22+0.20i 1.47-1.59i 0.26-0.26i ,  
together with approximate error bounds for the computed singular values and vectors.
The example program for zgesvd illustrates finding a singular value decomposition for the case mn.