Example program for zhgeqz

This example computes the α and β arguments, which defines the generalized eigenvalues, of the matrix pair A,B given by
A = 1.0+3.0i 1.0+4.0i 1.0+5.0i 1.0+6.0i 2.0+2.0i 4.0+3.0i 8.0+4.0i 16.0+5.0i 3.0+1.0i 9.0+2.0i 27.0+3.0i 81.0+4.0i 4.0+0.0i 16.0+1.0i 64.0+2.0i 256.0+3.0i  
B = 1.0+0.0i 2.0+1.0i 3.0+2.0i 4.0+3.0i 1.0+1.0i 4.0+2.0i 9.0+3.0i 16.0+4.0i 1.0+2.0i 8.0+3.0i 27.0+4.0i 64.0+5.0i 1.0+3.0i 16.0+4.0i 81.0+5.0i 256.0+6.0i .  
This requires calls to five routines: zggbal to balance the matrix, zgeqrf to perform the QR factorization of B, zunmqr to apply Q to A, zgghrd to reduce the matrix pair to the generalized Hessenberg form and zhgeqz to compute the eigenvalues using the QZ algorithm.