Example program for zppcon

This example estimates the condition number in the 1-norm (or -norm) of the matrix A, where
A= 3.23+0.00i 1.51-1.92i 1.90+0.84i 0.42+2.50i 1.51+1.92i 3.58+0.00i -0.23+1.11i -1.18+1.37i 1.90-0.84i -0.23-1.11i 4.09+0.00i 2.33-0.14i 0.42-2.50i -1.18-1.37i 2.33+0.14i 4.29+0.00i .  
Here A is Hermitian positive definite, stored in packed form, and must first be factorized by zpptrf. The true condition number in the 1-norm is 201.92.