Example program for zungbr

For this routine two examples are presented, both of which involve computing the singular value decomposition of a matrix A, where
A = 0.96-0.81i -0.03+0.96i -0.91+2.06i -0.05+0.41i -0.98+1.98i -1.20+0.19i -0.66+0.42i -0.81+0.56i 0.62-0.46i 1.01+0.02i 0.63-0.17i -1.11+0.60i -0.37+0.38i 0.19-0.54i -0.98-0.36i 0.22-0.20i 0.83+0.51i 0.20+0.01i -0.17-0.46i 1.47+1.59i 1.08-0.28i 0.20-0.12i -0.07+1.23i 0.26+0.26i  
in the first example and
A = 0.28-0.36i 0.50-0.86i -0.77-0.48i 1.58+0.66i -0.50-1.10i -1.21+0.76i -0.32-0.24i -0.27-1.15i 0.36-0.51i -0.07+1.33i -0.75+0.47i -0.08+1.01i  
in the second. A must first be reduced to tridiagonal form by zgebrd. The program then calls zungbr twice to form Q and PH, and passes these matrices to zbdsqr, which computes the singular value decomposition of A.