Using DFO-GN ============ This section describes the main interface to DFO-GN and how to use it. How to use DFO-GN ----------------- The main interface to DFO-GN is via the function :code:`solve` .. code-block:: python soln = dfogn.solve(objfun, x0) The input :code:`objfun` is a Python function which takes an input :math:`x\in\mathbb{R}^n` and returns the vector of residuals :math:`[r_1(x)\: \cdots \: r_m(x)]\in\mathbb{R}^m`. Both the input and output of :code:`objfun` must be one-dimensional NumPy arrays (i.e. with :code:`x.shape == (n,)` and :code:`objfun(x).shape == (m,)`). The input :code:`x0` is the starting point for the solver, and (where possible) should be set to be the best available estimate of the true solution :math:`x_{min}\in\mathbb{R}^n`. It should be specified as a one-dimensional NumPy array (i.e. with :code:`x0.shape == (n,)`). As DFO-GN is a local solver, providing different values for :code:`x0` may cause it to return different solutions, with possibly different objective values. Outputs ------- The output of :code:`dfogn.solve` is an object :code:`soln` containing: * :code:`soln.x` - an estimate of the solution, :math:`x_{min}\in\mathbb{R}^n`, a one-dimensional NumPy array. * :code:`soln.resid` - the vector of residuals at the calculated solution :math:`[r_1(x_{min})\: \cdots \: r_m(x_{min})]\in\mathbb{R}^m` * :code:`soln.f` - the objective value at the calculated solution, :math:`f(x_{min})`, a Float. * :code:`soln.jacobian` - an estimate of the :math:`m\times n` Jacobian matrix of first derivatives at the calculated solution :math:`J_{i,j} \approx \partial r_i(x_{min})/\partial x_j`, a two-dimensional NumPy array. * :code:`` - the number of evaluations of :code:`objfun` that the algorithm needed, an Integer. * :code:`soln.flag` - an exit flag, which can take one of several values (listed below), an Integer. * :code:`soln.msg` - a description of why the algorithm finished, a String. The possible values of :code:`flag` are defined by the following variables, also defined in the :code:`soln` object: * :code:`soln.EXIT_SUCCESS = 0` - DFO-GN terminated successfully (the objective value or trust region radius are sufficiently small). * :code:`soln.EXIT_INPUT_ERROR = 1` - error in the inputs. * :code:`soln.EXIT_MAXFUN_WARNING = 2` - maximum allowed objective evaluations reached. * :code:`soln.EXIT_TR_INCREASE_ERROR = 3` - error occurred when solving the trust region subproblem. * :code:`soln.EXIT_LINALG_ERROR = 4` - linear algebra error, e.g. the interpolation points produced a singular linear system. * :code:`soln.EXIT_ALTMOV_MEMORY_ERROR = 5` - error occurred when determining a geometry-improving step. For more information about how to interpret these descriptions, see the algorithm details section in :doc:`info`. If you encounter any of the last 4 conditions, first check to see if the output value is sufficient for your requirements, otherwise consider changing :code:`x0` or the optional parameter :code:`rhobeg` (see below). As variables are defined in the :code:`soln` objected, they can be accessed with, for example .. code-block:: python if soln.flag == soln.EXIT_SUCCESS: print("Success!") Optional Arguments ------------------ The :code:`solve` function has several optional arguments which the user may provide: .. code-block:: python dfogn.solve(objfun, x0, lower=None, upper=None, maxfun=1000, rhobeg=None, rhoend=1e-8) These arguments are: * :code:`lower` - the vector :math:`a` of lower bounds on :math:`x` (default is :math:`a_i=-10^{20}`). * :code:`upper` - the vector :math:`b` of upper bounds on :math:`x` (default is :math:`b_i=10^{20}`). * :code:`maxfun` - the maximum number of objective evaluations the algorithm may request (default is 1000). * :code:`rhobeg` - the initial value of the trust region radius (default is :math:`0.1\max(\|x_0\|_{\infty}, 1)`). * :code:`rhoend` - minimum allowed value of trust region radius, which determines when a successful termination occurs (default is :math:`10^{-8}`). There is a tradeoff when choosing the value of :code:`rhobeg`: a large value allows the algorithm to progress to a solution quicker, but there is a greater risk that it tries points which do not reduce the objective. Similarly, a small value means a greater chance of reducing the objective, but potentially making slower progress towards the final solution. The value of :code:`rhoend` determines the level of accuracy desired in the solution :code:`xmin` (smaller values give higher accuracy, but DFO-GN will take longer to finish). The requirements on the inputs are: * Each entry of :code:`lower` must be strictly below the corresponding entry of :code:`upper`, with a gap of at least twice :code:`rhobeg`; * Both :code:`rhobeg` and :code:`rhoend` must be strictly positive, with :code:`rhoend` being the smaller one; and * The value :code:`maxfun` must be strictly positive, and generally should be above :code:`len(x)+1` (which is the initial setup requirement). A Simple Example ---------------- Suppose we wish to minimize the `Rosenbrock function `_ (a common test problem): .. math:: \min_{(x_1,x_2)\in\mathbb{R}^2} &\quad 100(x_2-x_1^2)^2 + (1-x_1)^2 \\ This function has only one local minimum :math:`f(x_{min})=0` at :math:`x_{min}=(1,1)`. We can write this as a least-squares problem as: .. math:: \min_{(x_1,x_2)\in\mathbb{R}^2} &\quad [10(x_2-x_1^2)]^2 + [1-x_1]^2 \\ A commonly-used starting point for testing purposes is :math:`x_0=(-1.2,1)`. The following script shows how to solve this problem using DFO-GN: .. code-block:: python # DFO-GN example: minimize the Rosenbrock function from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np import dfogn # Define the objective function def rosenbrock(x): return np.array([10.0 * (x[1] - x[0] ** 2), 1.0 - x[0]]) # Define the starting point x0 = np.array([-1.2, 1.0]) # Call DFO-GN soln = dfogn.solve(rosenbrock, x0) # Display output print(" *** DFO-GN results *** ") print("Solution xmin = %s" % str(soln.x)) print("Objective value f(xmin) = %.10g" % soln.f) print("Needed %g objective evaluations" % print("Residual vector = %s" % str(soln.resid)) print("Approximate Jacobian = %s" % str(soln.jacobian)) print("Exit flag = %g" % soln.flag) print(soln.msg) The output of this script is .. code-block:: none *** DFO-GN results *** Solution xmin = [ 1. 1.] Objective value f(xmin) = 1.268313548e-17 Needed 50 objective evaluations Residual vector = [ -3.56133900e-09 0.00000000e+00] Approximate Jacobian = [[ -2.00012196e+01 1.00002643e+01] [ -1.00000000e+00 3.21018592e-13]] Exit flag = 0 Success: Objective is sufficiently small Note in particular that the Jacobian is not quite correct - the bottom-right entry should be exactly zero for all :math:`x`, for instance. Adding Bounds and More Output ----------------------------- We can extend the above script to add constraints. To do this, we can add the lines .. code-block:: python # Define bound constraints (a <= x <= b) a = np.array([-10.0, -10.0]) b = np.array([0.9, 0.85]) # Call DFO-GN (with bounds) soln = dfogn.solve(rosenbrock, x0, lower=a, upper=b) DFO-GN correctly finds the solution to the constrained problem: .. code-block:: none Solution xmin = [ 0.9 0.81] Objective value f(xmin) = 0.01 Needed 44 objective evaluations Residual vector = [ -2.01451078e-10 1.00000000e-01] Approximate Jacobian = [[ -1.79999994e+01 1.00000004e+01] [ -9.99999973e-01 2.01450058e-08]] Exit flag = 0 Success: rho has reached rhoend However, we also get a warning that our starting point was outside of the bounds: .. code-block:: none RuntimeWarning: Some entries of x0 above upper bound, adjusting DFO-GN automatically fixes this, and moves :math:`x_0` to a point within the bounds, in this case :math:`x_0=(-1.2, 0.85)`. We can also get DFO-GN to print out more detailed information about its progress using the `logging `_ module. To do this, we need to add the following lines: .. code-block:: python import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(message)s') # ... (call dfogn.solve) And we can now see each evaluation of :code:`objfun`: .. code-block:: none Function eval 1 has f = 39.65 at x = [-1.2 0.85] Function eval 2 has f = 14.337296 at x = [-1.08 0.85] ... Function eval 43 has f = 0.010000000899913 at x = [ 0.9 0.80999999] Function eval 44 has f = 0.01 at x = [ 0.9 0.81] If we wanted to save this output to a file, we could replace the above call to :code:`logging.basicConfig()` with .. code-block:: python logging.basicConfig(filename="myfile.txt", level=logging.INFO, format='%(message)s', filemode='w') Example: Noisy Objective Evaluation ----------------------------------- As described in :doc:`info`, derivative-free algorithms such as DFO-GN are particularly useful when :code:`objfun` has noise. Let's modify the previous example to include random noise in our objective evaluation, and compare it to a derivative-based solver: .. code-block:: python # DFO-GN example: minimize the Rosenbrock function from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np import dfogn # Define the objective function def rosenbrock(x): return np.array([10.0 * (x[1] - x[0] ** 2), 1.0 - x[0]]) # Modified objective function: add 1% Gaussian noise def rosenbrock_noisy(x): return rosenbrock(x) * (1.0 + 1e-2 * np.random.normal(size=(2,))) # Define the starting point x0 = np.array([-1.2, 1.0]) # Set random seed (for reproducibility) np.random.seed(0) print("Demonstrate noise in function evaluation:") for i in range(5): print("objfun(x0) = %s" % str(rosenbrock_noisy(x0))) print("") # Call DFO-GN soln = dfogn.solve(rosenbrock_noisy, x0) # Display output print(" *** DFO-GN results *** ") print("Solution xmin = %s" % str(soln.x)) print("Objective value f(xmin) = %.10g" % soln.f) print("Needed %g objective evaluations" % print("Residual vector = %s" % str(soln.resid)) print("Approximate Jacobian = %s" % str(soln.jacobian)) print("Exit flag = %g" % soln.flag) print(soln.msg) # Compare with a derivative-based solver import scipy.optimize as opt soln = opt.least_squares(rosenbrock_noisy, x0) print("") print(" *** SciPy results *** ") print("Solution xmin = %s" % str(soln.x)) print("Objective value f(xmin) = %.10g" % (2.0 * soln.cost)) print("Needed %g objective evaluations" % soln.nfev) print("Exit flag = %g" % soln.status) print(soln.message) The output of this is: .. code-block:: none Demonstrate noise in function evaluation: objfun(x0) = [-4.4776183 2.20880346] objfun(x0) = [-4.44306447 2.24929965] objfun(x0) = [-4.48217255 2.17849989] objfun(x0) = [-4.44180389 2.19667014] objfun(x0) = [-4.39545837 2.20903317] *** DFO-GN results *** Solution xmin = [ 1. 1.] Objective value f(xmin) = 4.658911493e-15 Needed 56 objective evaluations Residual vector = [ -6.82177042e-08 -2.29266787e-09] Approximate Jacobian = [[ -2.01345344e+01 1.01261457e+01] [ -1.00035048e+00 -5.99847638e-03]] Exit flag = 0 Success: Objective is sufficiently small *** SciPy results *** Solution xmin = [-1.20000033 1.00000016] Objective value f(xmin) = 23.66957245 Needed 6 objective evaluations Exit flag = 3 `xtol` termination condition is satisfied. DFO-GN is able to find the solution with only 6 more function evaluations than in the noise-free case. However SciPy's derivative-based solver, which has no trouble solving the noise-free problem, is unable to make any progress. Example: Parameter Estimation/Data Fitting ------------------------------------------ Next, we show a short example of using DFO-GN to solve a parameter estimation problem (taken from `here `_). Given some observations :math:`(t_i,y_i)`, we wish to calibrate parameters :math:`x=(x_1,x_2)` in the exponential decay model .. math:: y(t) = x_1 \exp(x_2 t) The code for this is: .. code-block:: python # DFO-GN example: data fitting problem # Originally from: # from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np import dfogn # Observations tdata = np.array([0.9, 1.5, 13.8, 19.8, 24.1, 28.2, 35.2, 60.3, 74.6, 81.3]) ydata = np.array([455.2, 428.6, 124.1, 67.3, 43.2, 28.1, 13.1, -0.4, -1.3, -1.5]) # Model is y(t) = x[0] * exp(x[1] * t) def prediction_error(x): return ydata - x[0] * np.exp(x[1] * tdata) # Define the starting point x0 = np.array([100.0, -1.0]) # We expect exponential decay: set upper bound x[1] <= 0 upper = np.array([1e20, 0.0]) # Call DFO-GN soln = dfogn.solve(prediction_error, x0, upper=upper) # Display output print(" *** DFO-GN results *** ") print("Solution xmin = %s" % str(soln.x)) print("Objective value f(xmin) = %.10g" % soln.f) print("Needed %g objective evaluations" % print("Exit flag = %g" % soln.flag) print(soln.msg) The output of this is (noting that DFO-GN moves :math:`x_0` to be far away enough from the upper bound) .. code-block:: none RuntimeWarning: Some entries of x0 too close to upper bound, adjusting *** DFO-GN results *** Solution xmin = [ 4.98830861e+02 -1.01256863e-01] Objective value f(xmin) = 9.504886892 Needed 107 objective evaluations Exit flag = 0 Success: rho has reached rhoend This produces a good fit to the observations. .. image:: data_fitting.png :width: 75% :alt: Data Fitting Results :align: center Example: Solving a Nonlinear System of Equations ------------------------------------------------ Lastly, we give an example of using DFO-GN to solve a nonlinear system of equations (taken from `here `_). We wish to solve the following set of equations .. math:: x_1 + x_2 - x_1 x_2 + 2 &= 0, \\ x_1 \exp(-x_2) - 1 &= 0. The code for this is: .. code-block:: python # DFO-GN example: Solving a nonlinear system of equations # from __future__ import print_function import math import numpy as np import dfogn # Want to solve: # x1 + x2 - x1*x2 + 2 = 0 # x1 * exp(-x2) - 1 = 0 def nonlinear_system(x): return np.array([x[0] + x[1] - x[0]*x[1] + 2, x[0] * math.exp(-x[1]) - 1.0]) # Warning: if there are multiple solutions, which one # DFO-GN returns will likely depend on x0! x0 = np.array([0.1, -2.0]) soln = dfogn.solve(nonlinear_system, x0) # Display output print(" *** DFO-GN results *** ") print("Solution xmin = %s" % str(soln.x)) print("Objective value f(xmin) = %.10g" % soln.f) print("Needed %g objective evaluations" % print("Residual vector = %s" % str(soln.resid)) print("Exit flag = %g" % soln.flag) print(soln.msg) The output of this is .. code-block:: none *** DFO-GN results *** Solution xmin = [ 0.09777309 -2.32510588] Objective value f(xmin) = 2.916172822e-16 Needed 13 objective evaluations Residual vector = [ -1.38601752e-09 -1.70204653e-08] Exit flag = 0 Success: Objective is sufficiently small Here, we see that both entries of the residual vector are very small, so both equations have been solved to high accuracy.