Source code for pypop.traceset

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause-Clear
# Copyright (c) 2019, The Numerical Algorithms Group, Ltd. All rights reserved.

Trace Data Summary Statistics Calculator Classes

PyPop provides classes for importing summary statistics for different profiling tools.

Currently the following tools are supported:

    * Extrae


import os
import pickle

from os.path import dirname
from warnings import warn

from pkg_resources import resource_filename

import pandas

    from import tqdm
except ImportError:
    from .utils import return_first_arg as tqdm

from .dimemas import dimemas_idealise
from .extrae import paramedir_analyze, chop_prv_to_roi, remove_trace
from .prv import get_prv_header_info
from .utils import chunked_md5sum

[docs]class RunData: """ Attributes ---------- metadata: :class:`~pypop.prv.TraceMetadata` Trace metadata information stats: `pd.DataFrame` Trace statistics tracefile: str Tracefile path chopped: bool Was tracefile chopped to ROI before analysis? """ def __init__(self, metadata, stats, tracefile=None, chopped=False): self.metadata = metadata self.stats = stats self.tracefile = tracefile self.chopped = chopped def __hash__(self): return hash((self.metadata, self.chopped)) def __iter__(self): self._n = 0 return self def _repr_html_(self): return self.stats._repr_html_()
base_configs = { k: resource_filename(__name__, v) for k, v in { "Serial Useful Computation": "cfgs/serial_useful_computation.cfg", "Total Runtime": "cfgs/total_runtime.cfg", "Useful Instructions": "cfgs/useful_instructions.cfg", "Useful Cycles": "cfgs/useful_cycles.cfg", }.items() } omp_configs = { k: resource_filename(__name__, v) for k, v in { "OpenMP Total Runtime": "cfgs/omp_total_runtime.cfg", "OpenMP Useful Computation": "cfgs/omp_useful_computation.cfg", }.items() } ideal_configs = { k: resource_filename(__name__, v) for k, v in { "Ideal Useful Computation": "cfgs/total_useful_computation.cfg", "Ideal Runtime": "cfgs/total_runtime.cfg", }.items() }
[docs]class TraceSet: """A set of tracefiles for collective analysis Collect statistics from provided trace files, currently only Extrae .prv files are supported. This are the necessary statistics for calculating the POP metrics (including hybrid metrics) for the provided application traces. Data caching is used to improve performance of subsequent analysis runs, with md5 checksumming used to detect tracefile changes. (This is particularly useful for large trace files where calculation of statistics can take a long time). Parameters ---------- path_list: str or iterable of str String or iterable of strings providing path(s) to the tracefiles of interest. cache_stats: bool Cache the calculated statistics as a pickled data file in the trace directory, along with the checksum of the source trace file. (Default True) ignore_cache: bool By default, if a cache file is present for a given trace it will be used. This behaviour can be overridden by setting ignore_cache=True. chop_to_roi: bool If true, cut trace down to the section bracketed by the first pair of Extrae_startup and Extrae_shutdown commands. Default false. no_progress: bool If true, disable the use of tqdm progress bar """ def __init__( self, path_list=None, cache_stats=True, ignore_cache=False, chop_to_roi=False, no_progress=False, ): # Setup data structures self.traces = set() # Add traces self.add_traces(path_list, cache_stats, ignore_cache, chop_to_roi, no_progress)
[docs] def add_traces( self, path_list=None, cache_stats=True, ignore_cache=False, chop_to_roi=False, no_progress=False, ): """Collect statistics from provided trace files, currently only Extrae .prv files are supported. This are the necessary statistics for calculating the POP metrics (including hybrid metrics) for the provided application traces. Data caching is used to improve performance of subsequent analysis runs, with md5 checksumming used to detect tracefile changes. (This is particularly useful for large trace files where calculation of statistics can take a long time). Parameters ---------- path_list: str or iterable of str String or iterable of strings providing path(s) to the tracefiles of interest. cache_stats: bool Cache the calculated statistics as a pickled data file in the trace directory, along with the checksum of the source trace file. (Default True) ignore_cache: bool By default, if a cache file is present for a given trace it will be used. This behaviour can be overridden by setting ignore_cache=True. chop_to_roi: bool If true, cut trace down to the section bracketed by the first pair of Extrae_startup and Extrae_shutdown commands. Default false. no_progress: bool If true, disable the use of tqdm progress bar """ if isinstance(path_list, str): path_list = [path_list] # Try to get a list length for tqdm try: npath = len(path_list) except TypeError: npath = None if path_list: for path in tqdm(path_list, total=npath, disable=no_progress, leave=False): self.traces.add( self._collect_statistics( path, cache_stats, ignore_cache, chop_to_roi ) )
[docs] def by_key(self, key): """Return a dictionary of traces with given key Parameters ---------- key: func A function which takes a RunData object and returns a valid dictionary key Returns ------- traces_by_key: dict A dictionary of traces organised by the requested key """ return {key(v): v for v in self.traces}
[docs] def by_commsize(self): """Return a dictionary of traces keyed by commsize This is a helper function equivalent to by_key(lambda x: x.metadata.application_layout.commsize) Returns ------- traces_by_key: dict A dictionary of traces organised by the requested key """ return self.by_key(lambda x: x.metadata.application_layout.commsize)
def _collect_statistics(self, trace, cache_stats, ignore_cache, chop_to_roi): # Calculate a checksum for cache purposes csum = chunked_md5sum(trace) trace_dir = dirname(trace) pkl_path = os.path.join(trace_dir, "stats_{}.pkl".format(csum)) if not ignore_cache: # If we can, load the cached version try: with open(pkl_path, "rb") as fh: metadata, stats = pickle.load(fh) # Quick sanity check if ( metadata.application_layout.commsize != get_prv_header_info(trace).application_layout.commsize ): raise ValueError("Mismatched cache -- hash collision?") # Assign data from pickle and do next file return RunData(metadata, stats, trace) # Otherwise continue and analyze the file except FileNotFoundError: pass # If ignoring cache, or cache not present, do the analysis if cache_stats: cache_stats = pkl_path return self._analyze_tracefile(trace, cache_stats, chop_to_roi) def _analyze_tracefile(self, trace, cache_path, chop_to_roi): metadata = get_prv_header_info(trace) if chop_to_roi: cut_trace = chop_prv_to_roi(trace) else: cut_trace = trace stats = [ paramedir_analyze( cut_trace, cfg, index_by_thread=True, statistic_names=[name] ) for name, cfg in base_configs.items() ] hybrid = False try: omp_stats = [ paramedir_analyze( cut_trace, cfg, index_by_thread=True, statistic_names=[name] ) for name, cfg in omp_configs.items() ] stats += omp_stats hybrid = True except RuntimeError: pass # Remember to clean up after ourselves if chop_to_roi: remove_trace(cut_trace) try: ideal_trace = dimemas_idealise(trace) if chop_to_roi: cut_ideal_trace = chop_prv_to_roi(ideal_trace) else: cut_ideal_trace = ideal_trace stats.extend( [ paramedir_analyze( cut_ideal_trace, cfg, index_by_thread=True, statistic_names=[name], ) for name, cfg in ideal_configs.items() ] ) # Keeping things tidy if chop_to_roi: remove_trace(cut_ideal_trace) remove_trace(ideal_trace) except RuntimeError as err: warn( "Failed to run Dimemas:\n{}" "Continuing with reduced MPI detail.".format(err) ) stats = pandas.concat(stats).T stats["IPC"] = stats["Useful Instructions"] / stats["Useful Cycles"] if hybrid: stats["Serial Useful Computation"].loc[:, 2:] = 0 stats["Total Useful Computation"] = stats["Serial Useful Computation"] stats["Total Non-MPI Runtime"] = stats["Serial Useful Computation"] if hybrid: stats["Total Useful Computation"] += stats["OpenMP Useful Computation"] stats["Total Non-MPI Runtime"] += stats["OpenMP Total Runtime"] stats["Frequency"] = stats["Useful Cycles"] / stats["Total Useful Computation"] if cache_path: with open(cache_path, "wb") as fh: pickle.dump((metadata, stats), fh) return RunData(metadata, stats, trace)