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Examples demonstrating the NAG Numerical Library for Java

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Migrating from E04DG to E04KF

This page illustrates the steps required to upgrade from the solver uncon_conjgrd_comp (E04DG) to handle_solve_bounds_foas (E04KF) introduced at Mark 27 of the NAG Library.

From the usage perspective, the main difference between the solvers is the user call-backs, E04DG has a single user call-back that can return objective function and gradient evaluations, while E04KF has two separate user call-backs, one for the objective funtion and one for the objective gradient.

On this page the 2d Rosenbrock problem is solved with both solvers and illustrates the changes necessary for the migration to E04KF. The solution to the problem is (1, 1).

// Define E04DG user call-back
public static class OBJFUN_E04DG extends E04DG.Abstract_E04DG_OBJFUN {
    public void eval() {
        this.OBJF = Math.pow(1.0 - this.X[0], 2) + 100.0 * Math.pow(this.X[1] - Math.pow(this.X[0], 2), 2);

        if (this.MODE == 2) {
            this.OBJGRD[0] = 2.0 * this.X[0] - 400.0 * this.X[0] * (this.X[1] - Math.pow(this.X[0], 2)) - 2.0;
            this.OBJGRD[1] = 200.0 * (this.X[1] - Math.pow(this.X[0], 2));

// Define user call-backs for E04KF
 * Return the objective function value
public static class OBJFUN_E04KF extends E04KF.Abstract_E04KF_OBJFUN {
    public void eval() {
        this.FX = Math.pow(1.0 - this.X[0], 2) + 100.0 * Math.pow(this.X[1] - Math.pow(this.X[0], 2), 2);

 * The objective's gradient. Note that fdx has to be updated IN-PLACE
public static class OBJGRD_E04KF extends E04KF.Abstract_E04KF_OBJGRD {
    public void eval() {
        this.FDX[0] = 2.0 * this.X[0] - 400.0 * this.X[0] * (this.X[1] - Math.pow(this.X[0], 2)) - 2.0;
        this.FDX[1] = 200.0 * (this.X[1] - Math.pow(this.X[0], 2));

 * Dummy monit
public static class MONIT_E04KF extends E04KF.Abstract_E04KF_MONIT {
    public void eval() {
        E04KFU e04kfu = new E04KFU();
        e04kfu.eval(this.NVAR, this.X, this.INFORM, this.RINFO, this.STATS, this.IUSER, this.RUSER, this.CPUSER);
        this.INFORM = e04kfu.getINFORM();

// The initial guess
double[] x = new double[] { -1.5, 1.9 };

Solve the problem with E04DG

E04WB e04wb = new E04WB();
String[] cwsav = new String[1];
Arrays.fill(cwsav, " ");
boolean[] lwsav = new boolean[120];
int[] iwsav = new int[610];
double[] rwsav = new double[475];
int ifail = 0;
e04wb.eval("e04dga", cwsav, 1, lwsav, 120, iwsav, 610, rwsav, 475, ifail);

// Solve the problem with E04DG

E04DG e04dg = new E04DG();
OBJFUN_E04DG objfun_e04dg = new OBJFUN_E04DG();
int n = x.length;
int iter = 0;
double objf = 0;
double[] objgrd = new double[n];
int[] iwork = new int[n + 1];
double[] work = new double[13 * n];
int[] iuser = new int[0];
double[] ruser = new double[0];
ifail = 0;
e04dg.eval(n, objfun_e04dg, iter, objf, objgrd, x, iwork, work, iuser, ruser, lwsav, iwsav, rwsav, ifail);

Solution: 1.0000067567705557 1.0000135365609837

Now solve with the new solver E04KF

// Now solve with the new solver E04KF

// The initial guess
x = new double[] { -1.5, 1.9 };

E04RA e04ra = new E04RA();
E04RG e04rg = new E04RG();
E04RH e04rh = new E04RH();
E04ZM e04zm = new E04ZM();
E04KF e04kf = new E04KF();

// Create an empty handle for the problem
int nvar = x.length;
long handle = 0;
ifail = 0;
e04ra.eval(handle, nvar, ifail);
handle = e04ra.getHANDLE();

// Define the nonlinear objective in the handle
// Setup a gradient vector of length nvar
int[] idxfd = new int[nvar];
for (int i = 0; i < nvar; i++) {
    idxfd[i] = i + 1;
ifail = 0;
e04rg.eval(handle, nvar, idxfd, ifail);

// Set some algorithmic options
ifail = 0;
e04zm.eval(handle, "Print Options = Yes", ifail); // print Options?
e04zm.eval(handle, "Print Solution = Yes", ifail); // print on the screen the solution point X
e04zm.eval(handle, "Print Level = 1", ifail); // print details of each iteration (screen)

// Solve the problem and print the solution
OBJFUN_E04KF obfun_e04kf = new OBJFUN_E04KF();
OBJGRD_E04KF objgrd_e04kf = new OBJGRD_E04KF();
MONIT_E04KF monit_e04kf = new MONIT_E04KF();
double[] rinfo = new double[100];
double[] stats = new double[100];
iuser = new int[0];
ruser = new double[0];
long cpuser = 0;
ifail = 0;
e04kf.eval(handle, obfun_e04kf, objgrd_e04kf, monit_e04kf, nvar, x, rinfo, stats, iuser, ruser, cpuser, ifail);

// Destroy the handle and free allocated memory
E04RZ e04rz = new E04RZ();
e04rz.eval(handle, ifail);

E04KF, First order method for bound-constrained problems                       
 Begin of Options                                                               
     Print File                    =                   6     * d                
     Print Level                   =                   1     * U                
     Print Options                 =                 Yes     * U                
     Print Solution                =                 All     * U                
     Monitoring File               =                  -1     * d                
     Monitoring Level              =                   4     * d                
     Foas Monitor Frequency        =                   0     * d                
     Foas Print Frequency          =                   1     * d                
     Infinite Bound Size           =         1.00000E+20     * d                
     Task                          =            Minimize     * d                
     Stats Time                    =                  No     * d                
     Time Limit                    =         1.00000E+06     * d                
     Verify Derivatives            =                  No     * d                
     Foas Estimate Derivatives     =                  No     * d                
     Foas Finite Diff Interval     =         1.05367E-08     * d                
     Foas Iteration Limit          =            10000000     * d                
     Foas Memory                   =                  11     * d                
     Foas Progress Tolerance       =         1.08158E-12     * d                
     Foas Rel Stop Tolerance       =         1.08158E-12     * d                
     Foas Restart Factor           =         6.00000E+00     * d                
     Foas Slow Tolerance           =         1.01316E-02     * d                
     Foas Stop Tolerance           =         1.00000E-06     * d                
     Foas Tolerance Norm           =            Infinity     * d                
 End of Options                                                                 
 Status: converged, an optimal solution was found                                                   
 Value of the objective             2.12807E-15                                                     
 Norm of gradient                   3.67342E-08                                                     
 Primal variables:                                                              
   idx   Lower bound       Value       Upper bound                              
     1       -inf        1.00000E+00        inf                                 
     2       -inf        1.00000E+00        inf