Source code for pypop.dimemas

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause-Clear
# Copyright (c) 2019, The Numerical Algorithms Group, Ltd. All rights reserved.

Dimemas Automation

Helper routines to run Dimemas from Python, including the special case of
ideal trace generation.

import os
import warnings
from os.path import basename, splitext
from tempfile import mkdtemp
import subprocess as sp

from pkg_resources import resource_filename

from .prv import _parse_paraver_headerline, zipopen
from .extrae import remove_trace

IDEAL_CONF_PATH = "cfgs/dimemas_ideal.cfg"
IDEAL_COLL_PATH = "cfgs/ideal.collectives"

[docs]def dimemas_idealise(tracefile, outpath=None): """Idealise a tracefile using Dimemas Parameters ---------- tracefile: str Path to Extrae tracefile (`*.prv`) outpath: str Optional path to output idealised trace. (If not specified will be created in a temporary folder.) Returns ------- idealised: str Path to idealised tracefile in prv format. """ # First we need the application layout info with zipopen(tracefile, "rt") as fh: metadata = _parse_paraver_headerline(fh.readline().strip()) # Calculate ranks per node for Dimemas ranks_per_node = metadata.application_layout.commsize // metadata.nodes # Check there is not some odd layout we can't deal with if ( len(set(metadata.procs_per_node)) != 1 or ranks_per_node * metadata.nodes != metadata.application_layout.commsize ): raise ValueError("Can only analyze homogenous sized ranks") # Populate run specfic config data subs = { "@NUM_NODES@": metadata.nodes, "@PROCS_PER_NODE@": metadata.procs_per_node[0], "@RANKS_PER_NODE@": ranks_per_node, "@COLLECTIVES_PATH@": resource_filename(__name__, IDEAL_COLL_PATH), } # Pass trace, run config and path to idealisation skeleton config and let # dimemas_analyze work its subtle magic(k)s return dimemas_analyse( tracefile, resource_filename(__name__, IDEAL_CONF_PATH), outpath, subs )
[docs]def dimemas_analyse(tracefile, configfile, outpath=None, substrings=None): """Run a Dimemas simulation given a configuration and tracefile The configuration file may be modifed with key->value substitutions prior to running dimemas using the substrings parameter. This allows the use of a predefined skeleton configuration file rather than requiring programmatic production of the complete config. Parameters ---------- tracefile: str Path to Extrae tracefile (`*.prv`) configfile: str Path to Dimemas configfile outpath: str or None Optional path to output idealised trace. (If not specified, will be created in a temporary folder.) substrings: dict Dict of keys in the config file to be replaced with corresponding values. Returns ------- simulated: str Path to simulated tracefile in prv format. """ # Perform all work in a tempdir with predictable names, # this works around a series of weird dimemas bugs workdir = mkdtemp() # Create temporary config from supplied config and substitution dict dimconfig = os.path.join(workdir, ".tmpconfig".join(splitext(basename(configfile)))) with open(configfile, "rt") as ifh, open(dimconfig, "wt") as ofh: for line in ifh: if substrings: for key, val in substrings.items(): line = line.replace(key, str(val)) ofh.write(line) # Now copy temporary prv file: tmp_prv = os.path.join(workdir, "input.prv") with zipopen(tracefile, "rb") as ifh, open(tmp_prv, "wb") as ofh: while True: buff = if not buff: break ofh.write(buff) # And also copy row and pcf if available for ext in [".row", ".pcf"]: tracestem = splitext(tracefile)[0] tracestem = tracestem[:-3] if tracefile.endswith(".gz") else tracestem infile = splitext(tracestem)[0] + ext outfile = splitext(tmp_prv)[0] + ext try: with open(infile, "rb") as ifh, open(outfile, "wb") as ofh: while True: buff = if not buff: break ofh.write(buff) except FileNotFoundError: warnings.warn( "Could not find {}, dimemas may fail or produce invalid data" "".format(infile) ) # Now create the dim file for dimemas tmp_dim = os.path.join(workdir, splitext(basename(tmp_prv))[0] + ".dim") # Use basenames as running in workdir prv2dim_params = [ "prv2dim", "--prv-trace", basename(tmp_prv), "--dim-trace", basename(tmp_dim), ] # Run prv2dim and check for success result =, stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE, cwd=workdir) if not os.path.exists(tmp_dim) or result.returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError( "prv2dim execution failed:\n{}" "".format(result.stderr.decode()) ) # Run in workdir to workaround Dimemas path bug, output to relpath sim_prv = ".sim".join(splitext(tmp_prv)) dimemas_params = [ "Dimemas", "-S", "32k", "--dim", basename(tmp_dim), "-p", basename(sim_prv), basename(dimconfig), ] result =, stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.STDOUT, cwd=workdir) if not os.path.exists(sim_prv) or result.returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError( "Dimemas execution failed:\n{}" "".format(result.stdout.decode()) ) # remove all the temporary files we created os.remove(dimconfig) os.remove(tmp_dim) remove_trace(tmp_prv) # If no outpath specified then we are done if outpath is None: return sim_prv # Otherwise copy back to requested location with open(sim_prv, "rb") as ifh, open(outpath, "wb") as ofh: while True: buff = if not buff: break ofh.write(buff) # And also copy row and pcf for ext in [".row", ".pcf"]: infile = splitext(sim_prv)[0] + ext outfile = splitext(outpath)[0] + ext with open(infile, "rb") as ifh, open(outfile, "wb") as ofh: while True: buff = if not buff: break ofh.write(buff) # and then delete temps remove_trace(sim_prv) # finally return outpath as promised return outpath